Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies and other similar technologies in an effort to offer you the best, fastest and safest service possible. In this policy we describe the different technologies used, why we use them (for example, to start a new browsing session, save your preferences, personalize the content you see and show you relevant ads) and who uses them.

Below we explain how we, our partners and other third parties use these technologies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files sent to your browser and installed in the terminal you use to browse. Their purpose is to store information that can be gathered later.

This technology is essential to ensure that this website and its content function correctly; it also ensures its integrity, availability and relevance. In addition, it provides significant advantages in terms of the services provided, making the site easier to navigate and improving its usability.

Cookies cannot read any data stored on any terminal; nor can they harm or alter your device.


What types of cookies does this website use?

The information provided below will help you understand the different types of cookies installed on the different pages in this website. We also provide details about the cookies our partners and/or third-party operators install or may install.


DESCRIPTION: Session cookies are essential for the website to function correctly and for you to be able to browse the site without interruptions, remembering your language and country settings. They serve to identify the same user or browsing session, thus measuring the frequency of ad campaigns, for example.



DESCRIPTION: Technical cookies store generic and anonymous data and don’t generally include any personally identifiable information. Some technical cookies may, however, include personal data. The aim of both is to ensure that the website works correctly.



DESCRIPTION: Registration or log-in cookies are created when users log in to the site. They’re used to identify the users after they have been authenticated within the platform.



DESCRIPTION: These cookies serve to analyze and measure the website’s different properties and functionalities in order to improve them. These installed cookies belong to third parties.
For example, Google Analytics helps websites understand the way users interact with the different website elements. This may involve using a set of cookies to gather information and provide statistics regarding how the websites are used, all without personally identifying Google visitors.

THIRD PARTIES: Google Analytics


DESCRIPTION: These third-party cookies belong to Google TagManager. They store data on users’ physical locations. When using a Google service that can register these locations, the cookies can gather data on users’ real locations through GPS signals emitted by their mobile devices. They can also use different technologies to determine their locations, such as the data provided by users’ device sensors, for example, their WiFi access points or the closest phone towers.

THIRD PARTIES: Google TagManager


DESCRIPTION: The aim of advertising cookies is to improve users’ browsing experience. They enable showing users appropriate and relevant ads and avoid constantly showing them the same ad. These cookies are fundamental for advertising servers (adservers) to keep track of how frequently ad campaigns are served. They also help remember the choices users make on the website, thus offering them more personalized options.
These cookies are sometimes installed via third-party servers or directly by the list of third parties included in the list on the right.

THIRD PARTIES: Doubleclick


DESCRIPTION: These advertising cookies serve to store information about how users browse the site, offering them relevant ads that are directly related to one of their interests or previous searches. They generally come from programmatic advertising platforms, adexchanges, DSPs, SSPs, DMPs and other automated advertising purchase platforms.
The list on the right details the third parties with which we have agreements to use their cookies.
In addition, below is a list of third parties that may also install cookies via programmatic ad buying technology but with which we do not have direct agreements: MediamathTurnThe Trade Desk, IponWebBluekai.

THIRD PARTIES: BlueKai, Doubleclick, LiveRamp


DESCRIPTION: Some services may permit connecting to various social media sites: Facebook, Twitter and Google+. By logging in, you expressly authorize that social media site to serve cookies which add a social component to your browsing experience.

THIRD PARTIES: Twitter, Facebook Linkedin

Cookies Policy

Last update: February 9, 2019

We may modify this Cookies Policy at any time and for any reason including without limitation in response to legislative changes, to fulfill the requirements of the Spanish Data Protection Agency or other applicable law or to reflect changes in our agreements with third parties that install or use cookies on our website.

How can I manage my cookies?

Go to your browser’s preferences where you can determine if you don’t want to accept any cookies, if you want to eliminate any existing ones and/or eliminate them before browsing other website pages.

To configure your cookie preferences, click on the following links depending on the browser you use and follow the instructions:



